Pack 167's
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Scout Activities
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Cub Scout Pack 167
(Longmont, Colorado)
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Support Pack 167

Fundraising Activities

Pack 167 conducts a number of fundraising activities to support the boys and their adventure in cub scouting. Some of what we do includes:

Popcorn Sales > Begin in September - watch for scouts from Pack 167 in your neighborhood, or find us outside King Sooper's or other stores in the area.

If you are interested in helping us raise funds, watch our Upcoming Events page for where we will be or this page for how to purchase popcorn.

Become a Volunteer


There is a great deal of training to help parents and adult volunteers. Training resources can be found on-line or at in-person workshops. Parents and adult volunteers are responsible for completing any required training as soon as possible. Please see your son's leader for more information on what is required and/or recommended. A great place to get started is at the Boy Scouts of America site.


Pack 167 requires every adult (leader, assistant leader, parent, or volunteer) to be "Youth Protection" trained. This is a straightforward online questionnaire which takes about 30 minutes to complete.  Most of the answers are common sense, but taking the training will help clarify and raise awareness on the issue of protecting our youth.  Training can be completed at the Boy Scouts of America site. You will be required to register, complete the training, and print the certificate. If you are volunteering to be a leader or an assistant leader, this is a Boy Scouts of America requirement and the certificate needs to be turned in with your application.